Beautiful Souvenir Sheet arrived from Poland, for 2004 Athens Olympic Games.
The olympic games were always in the center of interest both in the ancient world as well as in the modern one. It is assumed that the date of the first olympic games is the year 776 B.C.. Since then there are scientifically documented records of the winners of respective competitions. We have also evidences that all the life of the man of those days was saturated with the spirit of sport. The antique games survived 12 centuries. They have been cancelled by emperor Teodozjusz the Great in year 393 A.D. And so it was up to 1896 when the idea of the games revived and the first modern olympic games have been organized in Athens. Since this time ensues in a form adapted to modern conditions their splendid revival. It is noticed by the post administrations. Stamps having sport as a subject enjoy a great interest of the philatelists, who the greatest esteem have for olympic stamps.
The first Polish olympic stamps have been issued on the occasion of the XVI games in Melbourne. Among them comes one of the most expensive and most in request Polish stamps so called "inversion" of boxing. We have also olympic stamps honoured for they beauty by international bodies. During the 115 session of IOC Polish Post received the award "Prix Olympia Gold Medal" for a stamp commemorating the games in Salt Lake City. Since 1956 Polish Post has issued almost 140 olympic stamps.
The return of the games to Athens rouses many associations of ideas and thoughts. Have them also the designer of the presented stamps building his conception as an artistic bracket biding together the ancient and the present. Judge yourself what result it gave.
On the day of introductions of the stamps into post circulation will be in sale an FDC with special cancellation in use at the Post Office Warszawa 1
Thanks you So much Maksym :)